[url="http://dingo.haxx.no/games_driving.htm"] Dingo wrote: Carmageddon TDR 2000 skin install tutorial: There are several ways to install, but this is how I install skins. Make sure you haven't copyed the two bmp's into the skins folder yet. Launch TDR and go to the car you downloaded the skin for. If you haven't bought the car, go to multiplayer and look for it there. Create a new skin named exactly like the name of the skin. i.e Cube Now, ALT-TAB and go to the skins folder for the car you just made the new skin for. In this example, if you are installing Cube, copy the ViperRT-10_Cube_N.bmp and ViperRT-10_Cube_D.bmp to the skins folder of the ViperRT and let them overwrite. ALT-TAB back to the game, and update the skin. Now you should see the skin on the car.